Wigs in Salons

Our Senior Stylist and Beauty Expert, Alexander Turnbull from Rene of Paris and Aderans, discusses the perks of having wigs in salons. Whether someone is experiencing hair loss from illness, stress, or other reasons, salons are the first line of defense on how to solve a hair loss problem. He goes in-depth on the multiple reasons salons should keep wigs in-stock; whether it’s for fashion, color, hair loss, learning, or revenue, you cannot go wrong with keeping wigs at your hair salon business. 


Wigs are a great and easy way to accessorize with your outfit and make a statement without putting hours into a hairstyle. If someone has a desired hairstyle, but wants to avoid cutting, coloring or potentially damaging their hair with heated styling tools, wigs are an amazing alternative. Bangs or no bangs, short or long, curly or straight, bright or natural colored, the possibilities are endless with wig styles! 


If someone is contemplating coloring their hair, but wants to preview what they would look like first, wigs are a great and safe way to preview a new hair color.


In the case of someone is dealing with hair loss, a wig is a great way to get the fullness they’re looking for. The Malibu hair enhancement from the Noriko Collection with a monofilament top is a great example of a natural looking wig that has rich body and color. 


In the salon, having wigs to experiment new cuts, colors, and styles on is a great way to learn in a hands-on and safe way. 


Wigs can expand a salon’s business to customers who specifically want wigs instead of styling their own hair. Whether they’re looking to achieve a drastic new look or find an easy way to style their hair, wigs can open up a business to a brand new market of customers.